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来源:2exam.com 2014-8-3 18:50:56


On the Use of the ATM

1. 现在人们使用自动取款机存取钱比较普遍

2. 使用自动取款机给人们带来很多方便,但也其弊端

3. 我的建议


On the Use of the ATM

ATM is not fresh to city residents. You can find at least one such machine in banks. And now, it is spreading in most rural areas of China. It is a common phenomenon for people to withdraw or deposit money through the ATM.

ATM has helped both bank clerks and their customers greatly. For one thing, it partly frees the clerks from heavy work. For another thing, it provides customers with more speedy and around-the-clock service. But, ATM can be imperfect. First of all, you can’t withdraw as much money as you want. Five thousand Yuan is the maximum sum you can get daily. Secondly, there are risks for customers who withdraw money from ATM. They may suffer losses from theft, robbery or their own carelessness.

I think the following tips can avoid most troubles. First, withdraw a large sum of money through bank clerk service. Secondly, make sure the place where ATM was installed is safe enough. Thirdly, keep secret of password and remember to get your card back. Finally, get a companion when you use ATM at night.


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